How To Turn An Unused Tulsa House Into Cash Fast

Do you own an unused or unwanted house in Tulsa? Learn how to turn your house into cash the fast and simple way! In our latest post, we will explore why more and more people are looking to a direct sale for their Tulsa area homes. Finding The Right Buyer If your house needs work or … Continued

How To Avoid Agent Commissions When Selling A Tulsa House

Do you want to sell a Tulsa property? Before you hire an agent or sign a listing agreement, take some time to learn about what a direct sale can mean for your situation. For many sellers in the Tulsa area, it can be a more beneficial and lucrative choice! Keep reading to learn how you can … Continued

Should I Trust Zillow to Determine My House Value in Tulsa

An old adage in real estate sales is “your home is worth what someone is willing to buy it for.” This suggests that there are many different factors, some arbitrary that go into the valuing of a home. In today’s internet savvy world, many look to industry leader Zillow for information. But the questions is, … Continued

Can a house be sold while in probate in Tulsa Oklahoma?

Probate is the process of reassigning the property to the beneficiaries after the person dies. When a person passes away they leave their loved ones and their property behind. Sometimes the last will or the Testate is left behind by the person and in some cases it is not. Whatever is the situation, the property … Continued

What happens when you inherit a house in Oklahoma?

Inheriting a home can be a scary event in anyone’s life. But what happens when you inherit a house in Oklahoma? Many people may want to keep an inherited house, especially if they had grown up there, but sometimes we are forced to consider other options including selling the house. Well, selling an inherited house … Continued

Pros and Cons of an Open House in Tulsa | Oklahoma Cash Home Buyer

There are many things you can do to sell your Tulsa property. And it’s a combination of these many things that will inevitably sell your house. You will want to implore a strategy that really works and doesn’t waste any time. Is an Open House right for your Tulsa home? Will it be worth the time and energy? In … Continued

Tax consequences when selling a house I inherited in Tulsa

Inheriting a home is a pretty sweet experience, yet bitter at the same time… You are left with great property value you can use to improve your life, but you are still mourning the loss of a loved one. So you may tend to ask yourself at this point “what are the tax consequences when … Continued

How to Sell a House That Needs Work in Tulsa

Do you need to sell a house that needs work? You don’t have to feel stuck or fearful of all the impending expenses! We have put together some great tips to help you sell your Tulsa home… even if it needs some work!  Many people hang on to a house that needs work because they … Continued